If an abstract is accepted, a presenter must attend the meeting to present (This applies to both oral and poster sessions). If a non-member presenter (someone who is not a member of ADSA or ASAS) is not registered for the 2012 Joint Annual Meeting by mid-night April 2, 2012, the abstract will not be published, it will be removed from the program, and it will no longer be available for presentation at the meeting. Non-members who register, but cannot attend the meeting, and are unable to arrange for a substitute presenter, will receive a 90% refund, provided the reason for non-attendance is due to a personal emergency. If non-attendance is due to visa denial, a 50% refund shall be made. All non-member presenter requests for refunds must be accompanied by appropriate documentation and will be processed after the meeting, in the form registration payment was made (e.g. if you paid by credit card, the refund will be applied to your credit card account).
Welcome Letter
Abstract Submission Instructions
Frequently Asked Questions
List of Symposia (coming soon)
Meeting Contact Information
Quality Standards for Abstracts
ADSA/ASAS/CSAS/WSASAS Graduate Student Call for Paper Presentations
ADSA Graduate Student Production Division Poster Competition Information and Scorecard
ADSA Graduate Student Dairy Foods Division Scorecard
ADSA Graduate Student Dairy Foods Division POSTER Scorecard
ADSA-SAD Undergraduate Student Paper Contest Information and Scorecards