Interpretive Summaries for the 2000 Annual Meeting of ADSA and ASAS

These summaries are intended to provide you with a fast guide to the scientific findings that will be presented and discussed by invited speakers at the 2000 meeting in Baltimore. To help you navigate the program and choose the sessions that interest you most, we have listed the summaries received through early June in the order they appear in the printed program. To read a summary, just click on the underlined text in the passages below.

Tuesday, July 25

Animal Behavior and Well-Being 1 and Contemporary and Emerging Issues 2

Livestock Transport: Industry Issues and Research Challenges

8:10    History and development of European and North American Transport Regulations Including Trade Issues, T. C. Harris

Industry Perspective s on Issues Related to the Transport of Livestock

10:30    Swine, A. Sosnicki

How Research on Transportation Impacts the Formulation of Policy

10:50    Horse Transportation Animal Welfare/Transportation in General, C. Stull

12:00    Perspectives on Transportation Issues, T. Grandin

Livestock Transportation: Research Challenges for the New Millennium

1:30    Overview of the Biology of Stress, E. H. von Borell

2:00    Behavioral Research and its Application to Livestock Transport and Policy: A European's Perspective, P. Le Neindre

Livestock Transport: What Do We Know and What Do We Need to Know

2:30    Horse Transportation Research, T. Friend

2:50    Cattle Transport: Historical and Future Perspectives, J.C. Swanson and J. Morrow-Tesch

3:30   Transportation of Cattle in the Dairy Industry: Current Research and Future Directions, S. D. Eicher

3:50    Swine Transportation: A Critical Review, A. J. Zanella

Breeding and Genetics 1

A Tribute to A. E. Freeman, Iowa State University

8:00    The Contributions of A.E. Freeman, R.E.Pearson

8:45    What Can Animal Breeders and Corn Breeders Learn From Each Other?, K.G. Boldman

9:30     Poultry Breeding: Structure, Traits, Realized Responses, and the Future, M.T. Kuhn

11:15    Genetic Control of Dairy Cattle Behavior, M.M. Schultz and E.A. Pajor

1:30    Methods to Combine Information From Separate Sources, P.M. VanRaden

2:15    The Effect of Holsteinization on Intensive Pastoral Dairy Farming in New Zealand, B. L. Harris    and E. Kolver

3:15     2020 Vision?- The Future of Dairy Cattle Breeding for an Academic Perspective, P.J. Boettcher

4:00    A Futuristic Look at the Dairy Cattle Genetics Industry, R.D. Welper

Dairy Foods 4, Goat Species 1 and Sheep Species 1

Small Ruminant Dairy Research--Production

8:45    Past, Present, and Future Perspectives of Small Ruminant Dairy Research, G.F.W. Haenlein

9:30    Effects of Breed, Management System, and Nutrition on Milk Yield and Mile Consumption of Dairy Sheep, D. L. Thomas, Y. M. Berger, and B. C. McKusick

10:15    Genetic Evaluation of Yield and Type Traits of Dairy Goats, G. R.Wiggans

10:45    Nutrition for the High Producing Dairy Doe, S. P. Hart

11:15    Milk Somatic Cells and Lactation in Small Ruminants, M. J. Paape, A.V. Capuco, A. Contrearas, and J. C. Marco

Small Ruminant Dairy Research - Milk Quality and Dairy Foods

1:30    Hydration of Native and Rennin-Coagulated Caprine Caseins as Determined by Oxygen-17 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, A. Mora-Gutierrez and H. M. Farrell, Jr.

2:00    Seasonal Changes in the Chemical Composition of Commingled Goat's Milk, M. R. Guo, P. H. Dixon, Y. W. Park, J. A. Gilmore, and P. S. Kilndstedt

2:30    Is There a Future for Goat and Sheep Milk Cheese Making in the U.S.?, P.S. Kindstedt, M.R.Guo, and P.H. Dixon

3:15    Freezing Qualities of Raw Sheep Milk for Further Processing, W.L.Wendorff

3.45    Proteolysis and Lipolysis of Goat Mile and Cheese, Young Park

Dairy Species

Endocrinology and Metabolism in Transition Dairy Cows

8:05    The Future of Feed Intake Regulation Research, C. A. Baile

8:50    Changes in the Somatotrophic Axis Associated with the Initiation of Lactation, M.C. Lucy, H. Jiang, and Y. Kobayashi 

9:45    Adaptations of Glucose and Fatty Acid Metabolism in Liver of Dairy Cows During the Periparturient Period, J. K. Drackley

Growth and Development 1

Impact of Clinical/Subclinical Disease on Animal Performance

8:00    Enhancing Neonatal Intestinal Growth, Development and Repair Following Injury, J. Odle and R. J. Harrell

Meat Science and Muscle Biology 1

Ante-mortem Manipulation of Meat Quality

8:00    Livestock Handling Quality Assurance, T. Grandin

8:40    Influence of Nutritional Therapy on Meat Quality, A. L. Schaefer and P. L. Dubeski

9:20    Vitamin E - A Bridge Between Animal Nutrition and Meat Quality, D. M. Schaefer

10:15    Influencing beef Tenderness Through Mainpulation of calcium Metabolism with Vitamin D., J.B. Morgan and D.R.Gill 

10:55    Does Dietary Conjugated Linoleic Acid Improve Meat Quality?, Donald Beitz

Physiology 1

Luteal Cell Interactions and Function

8:00    Microvascular Cycle in the Primate Corpus Luteum: Role of VEGF and Angiopoietins, R. L. Stouffer, L. K. Christenson, T. A. Molskness, and T. M. Hazzard

8:35    Gap Junction-Medicated Cellular Interactions in the Corpus Luteum (CL), A. T. Grazul-Bilska, L. P. Reynolds, and D. A. Redmer

9:10 Molecular Regulation of Progesterone Secretion in the Ovine Corpus Luteum, G.D. Niswender

Production and Management 1

Management of Dairy Herds for 40,000 pounds (18,182 kilograms) of Milk per Year

8:00     Survey of Management Practice Used for the Highest Producing DHI Herds in the United States, D.W. Kellogg, Z.B. Johnson, J.A. Pennington

8:25    Optimal Genetic Improvement for the High Producing Cow, B. G. Cassell

9:00    Reproductive Management of the 40,000 Pound Dairy Herd, J.S.Stevenson

9:35    Feeding Management of the Dairy Herds for 40000-lb. Milk/Year, O. Kroll

10:10    Feeding Management of the 40,000 Pound Dairy Herds, M.F. Hutjens

10:45    New Technologies and Decision-Making Tools for High Producing Herds, L. Jones

Ruminant Nutrition 1

Ruminal Fermentation 1

8:00    Ionophores for Dairy Cattle: Current Status and Future Outlook, R. K. McGuffey, L. F. Richardson, and J. I. D. Wilkinson

Beef Species 1

Tools Needed to Formulate Sustainable Integrated Beef Production Systems

1:00    Age of Calf at Weaning of Spring-Calving Beef Cows and the Effect on Coe and Calf Performance and Production Economics, R.J Rasby, and R.T. Clark

2:30    Implant Strategies in an Integrated Beef Production Systems, S. K. Duckett and J. G. Andrae

Dairy Foods 5 and Food Safety 2

Farm-to-Table Food Safety - Knowledge Gaps and Lessons Learned

2:45    Emergence and Transfer of Antibacterial Resistance Mechanisms, David White

Extension Education 1

Extension Education - A Dynamic Paradigm

1:20    Our Evolving Audience and Their Needs: The Producer's Perspective, H. D. Ritchie

Responding Proactively

3:00    A Multi-State Approach to Extension Programming, A.J Pescatore, K.W. Koelkebeck, R.L Adams, C.J. Flegal, A.H. Cantor, F.V. Muir, M.A. Latour, C.M. Parsons, M.W. Orth, and K.D. Robertson

3:20    Multi-State Extension Programming, S.P. Washburn

3:40    Responding Proactively: Distance Learning Opportunities, K. K. Ragland and G. L. M. Chappell

Forages and Pastures 1 and Ruminant Nutrition 4

Protein Nutrition in Forage-Fed Ruminants

1:00    Nitrogen Recycling in Ruminants, G. Lobley

2:00    Estimation Forage Protein Degradation in the Rumen, T. Klopfenstein, R. Mass, K. Creighton, and T. Patterson

Growth and Development 2

Molecular Mechanisms of Endocrine and Metabolic Action

1:00    Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase-

1:45    Regulation of the Acid-Labile Subunit of the 150kDa IGF-Binding Protein Complex and its Role in the Circulating IGF System, Y. R. Boisclair, G. T. Ooi, M. L. Tremblay, R. P. Rhoads, and I. Ueki

Alpharma Beef Cattle Nutrition Symposium

Beef Cattle Behavior

1:05    Review of Technologies and Methologies for Assessing Cattle Behavior, J. M. Stookey and J. M. Watts

1:50     Behavioral Characteristics Affecting Performance of Grazing Cattle, W.E. Pinchak

2:35    Effects of Health Status, Performance, and Environmental Change on Feeding Behavior of Feedlot Cattle, M.N.Streeter and M.E. Branine

3:20    Behavioral Management to Improve Feedlot Cattle Performance and Health, J.McGlone

Ruminant Nutrition 5

The Transition Diet and Grouping of Dairy Cows

2:00    Effect of Animal Grouping on Feeding Behavior and Intake of Dairy Cattle, R. J. Grant and J. L. Albright

Undergraduate and Graduate Education 1 and ADSA Production and Dairy Foods Divisions Graduate Student Papers Competition Committees, and ADSA Education Committee

Workshop (For Graduate Students Only)

Equipping Graduate Students for the Workplace

1:00    Making Effective use of 8 Hours, Harlan Ritchie


Wednesday, July 26

Animal Health 2

Nutritional and Environmental Factors Influencing Immunity

8:45     At the Interface of Environment-Immune Interactions: Cytokine and Growth Factor Receptors, K.W. Kelley

9:45     Lipid-Soluble Antioxidant Vitamins on Immunity, B.P Chew and J.S.Park

Dairy Foods 7 Milk Protein and Enzyme Nomenclature

Biologically Active Peptides from Milk

8:05    Bioactive Milk Peptides: A Perspective, D. A. Clare and H. E. Swaisgood

8:50    Transgenic Over-Expression of Bovine a-Lactalbumin and Human IGF-I in Porcine Mammary Gland: Effects on Lactation and Piglet Growth and Development, S. M. Donovan, M. H. Monaco, G. T. Bleck, J. B. Cook, M. Noble, W. L. Hurley, and M. B. Wheeler

9:30    Antimicrobial Activity of the Multimeric Form of Human Milk Alpha Lactalbumin, H. Sabharwal and J. Zabriskie

Milk Synthesis 2

The Physiology and Economics of Alternate Methods for the Initiation and Maintenance of Lactation

8:00    Induced Lactation in Prepubertal Holstein Heifers, S. Ball, J. Emeny, W. Eyestone, and R.M. Akers

8:15    Induced Lactation: Physiology, Perception , Profitability, and Propriety, R.S. Kensinger

8:45    Effect of Milking Interval on Mammary Function and Shape of the Lactation Curve, K. Stelwagen

9:25    Manipulation of Lactation Persistency with Maintenance of Milk Quality, C. H. Knight and A. Sorensen

10:05    Economics of Atypical Milk Production, D. Galligan and L. Lormore

Dairy Foods 10


1:30    Therapeutic use of Lactobacilli, Gregor Reid

2:00    Metabolic Diversity of Lactobacilli, Byong H. Lee

2:45    Bacteriocins from Lactobacillus as Future Food Preservatives, M.L. Chikindas, J. Cleveland, and T.J. Montville

3:15    Effect of Lactobacilli on Cheese, K. Nauth

Goat Species 3 and Dairy Foods 12

Goats for Vegetation Management

1:30    Historical Perspectives of Using Goats for Vegetarian Management Around the World, H.A. Glimp and H.S. Hussein

2:15    Recent Perspectives in Using Goats for Vegetarian Management in the USA, Part I. S.P. Hart

3:15    Recent Perspectives of Using Goats for Vegetation Management in the USA. Part II, E. C. Prigge and W. B. Bryan

Growth and Development 4 and Physiology 7

Appetite Regulation: Leptin and Beyond

1:00    Overview of Central Targets for Appetite Regulation, R. L. Matteri

1:45    Central Action of Leptin: Effects on Growth and Reproductive Performance, C. R. Barb, R. R. Kraeling, and G. B. Rampacek

Horse Species 3

Horse Programs in Animal Science--A Curse or A Blessing?

1:00    Impact of Adding an Equine Major: Enrollment and Cost Effectiveness, David Ames


2:30    The Relevance and Importance of the Equine Sciences in Contemporary Animal Sciences Curricula, G.D. Potter and P.G. Gibbs

2:55     The Importance of International Equine Programs to Animal Science Departments and Colleges of Agriculture, John E. Shelle

3:20    Equine Programs, an Administrator's Perspective, D.R. Topliff

Production and Management 6

Anabolic Implants and Beef Carcass Quality

1:00    Optimizing Carcass Value and the Use of Anabolic Implants in Beef Cattle, T. H. Montgomery and P. F. Dew

Sheep Species 2

The Compelling Need for Value-Based Marketing

1:05    An Example of Value-Based Marketing of Beef: U.S. Premium Beef, B. Bertelsen

1:50    A Packing Plant Perspective of Value-Based Marketing of Lamb, B.J May

2:20    Value-Based Lamb Marketing Systems in Other Countries, D.L Thomas

3:05    Genetic and Nutritional Effects on Lamb Flavor, S. K. Duckett and P. S. Kuber

3:35    Prediction of Composition on the Live Animal and Carcass, D. F. Waldron

4:05    Use of Sire Referencing Schemes to Select for Improved Carcass Composition, G. Simm, R. M. Lewis, J. E. Collins, and G. Nieuwhof

Women and Minority Issues in Animal Agriculture and International Members' Reception

How do We Fit into ADSA-ASAS?

4:30    How do We Fit into ADSA/ASAS: Internationals, Minorities, Women, W. A. Samuels

Thursday, July 27

Breeding and genetics 8

Inbreeding in Animal Agriculture

9:15    Controlling Inbreeding in Modern Breeding Programs, K. A. Weigel

Dairy Foods 13

Educating Dairy Foods Scientists for the 21st Century

8:15    Issues of Education for Dairy Foods Scientists, R. Marshall

8:30    Successful Teaching Techniques in Dairy Foods Courses, John A. Partridge (Slides)

8:45    Critical Course Topics Needed for Entry Level Industry Opportunities, T. J. Gruetzmacher

Growth and Development 5 and Physiology 8

From Genome to Function: Application of Genomics/Functional Genomics to Animal Agriculture

8:10    Commercialization of Biotechnology in Agriculture, C. A. Baile

9:45    Database Management of High Throughput EST Sequencing and SMP Discovery, J. W. Keele, J. E. Wray, Jr., T. P. L. Smith, S. C. Fahrenkrug, E. Casas, B. A. Freking, R. T. Stone

2:00    Genetic Markers for Reproduction in Beef Cattle, R. M. Thallman

2:30    Dairy Cattle Genomics: Tools to Accelerate genetic improvement?, T. S. Sonstegard, C. P. Van Tassell, and M. S. Ashwell

3:00    Sheep Genomics: Searching for Genes Involved in Mammalian Reproduction, S.M. Galloway, K.P. McNatty, and G.H Davis

4:10    An FDA Perspective on the Regulation of Genetic Engineering in Animals, J.C. Matheson

Rabbit Species 2

Value-Added Rabbit Production

1:00    How to Feed the Rabbit Gastrointestinal Tract, Nancy Irlbeck

Production and Management 8


Lameness in Cattle, Sheep, and Swine

8:45     Lower Leg and foot Lameness Related to the Environment in Commercial Sheep and Swine Operations, G. Kennedy

Ruminant Nutrition 15

Starch Utilization by Ruminants

10:00    Effects of Grain Variability and Processing on Starch Utilization by Lactating Dairy Cattle, J.L Firkins, M.L. Eastridge, N.R. St-Pierre, and S.M. Noftsger

International Animal Agriculture 3

Converting Research to Application in Tropical and Subtropical Animal Production and Processing Systems

3:15    Developing Collaborative Research, Education and Extension Programs Among Scientists in North and South America, A. Tewolde


Friday, July 28

Forages and Pastures 5

Forage and Pasture Management

8:30    Advances in Bermudagrass Research Involving New Cultivars for Beef and Dairy Production, G. M. Hill, R. N. Gates and J. W. West

10:00   Tasco: Influence of Brown Seaweed on Antioxidants in Forages and Livestock, V.G. Allen, K.R. Pond, J.P. Fontenot, K.E. Saker, C.P Bagley, R.L Ivy, R.R. Evans, R.E. Schmidt, J.H. Fifke, and D.B. Webster