PSA Graduate Student Call for Paper Presentations


Graduate Competition submission options have been adjusted for the 2004 ADSA/ASAS/PSA Joint Meeting. ADSA Production Division Graduate Members, ADSA Dairy Foods Graduate Division Members, ADSA Southern Branch Graduate Members, NE ASAS/ADSA Graduate Members, and PSA Student Competitors will present their papers in competition sessions early in the course of the 3 ½-day meeting. ADSA Production Division Members will also be allowed to present their papers within their subject area. National ADSA Production Members are also eligible for sectional competition.

PSA Student Competition

Please submit your abstract to the correct subject area and indicate that you would like it to be considered for the PSA Student Competition on the abstract form
Consult the information below for complete information regarding each award.


The criteria used for judging these contests are located online at


• The Student Research Paper Certificates of Excellence winners will be selected by the PSA Program Committee Members.
• In special recognition of high-quality research papers presented by students at the Annual Meeting, the Program Committee for the Annual Meeting shall evaluate these papers for the purpose of awarding Certificates of Excellence. The awards shall be based on both the quality of research and excellence of presentation. Only one paper per author shall be eligible to compete for any given year. This paper will be so designated on the abstract form.
To be eligible for consideration a student must be:
• Actively engaged in a college program at the time the abstract is submitted
• The senior author and the person presenting the paper
The number of students selected to receive the PSA Certificates of Excellence shall not exceed 15 percent of those students presenting papers at the annual meeting



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