Hotel Reservations 1. Download the Printable Housing Form (.pdf) 2. Online Reservation Please note the discounted rates are only available until June 7, 2006. Official Meeting Hotels ADSA Headquarter Hilton Minneapolis 612-376-1000 ASAS Headquarter Hyatt Regency Minneapolis 612-370-1234 Student Headquarter Doubletree Guest Suites Minneapolis 612-332-6800 Millennium Hotel Minneapolis 612-332-6000
Hotel Reservations
1. Download the Printable Housing Form (.pdf) 2. Online Reservation Please note the discounted rates are only available until June 7, 2006.
Official Meeting Hotels
ADSA Headquarter Hilton Minneapolis 612-376-1000 ASAS Headquarter Hyatt Regency Minneapolis 612-370-1234 Student Headquarter Doubletree Guest Suites Minneapolis 612-332-6800 Millennium Hotel Minneapolis 612-332-6000
ADSA Headquarter Hilton Minneapolis 612-376-1000
ASAS Headquarter Hyatt Regency Minneapolis 612-370-1234
Student Headquarter Doubletree Guest Suites Minneapolis 612-332-6800
Millennium Hotel Minneapolis 612-332-6000
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