Collection of PowerPoint Files for Oral Presentations
PRE-MEETING UPLOAD The upload deadline has passed. You must now upload your presentation in Room 283 at the convention center by 5:00 pm on the day before your scheduled oral presentation; no exceptions will be made. All PowerPoint presentations must be loaded in advance of each session. No presentations will be loaded while the session is in progress, between presentations, or during breaks. Files will NOT be accepted by e-mail.
Onsite files can be delivered to the pre-load room (Room 283) by 5:00 pm on the day before your scheduled oral presentation; no exceptions will be made. All PowerPoint presentations must be loaded in advance of each session. No presentations will be loaded while the session is in progress, between presentations, or during breaks. Files will not be accepted by e-mail. Each session room will be equipped with a laptop computer configured with Microsoft PowerPoint 2007; an LCD projector; and with standard audio equipment. The use of personal laptop computers for presentations in the session rooms is not permitted.
PRESENTATION GUIDELINES All presentations must in PowerPoint format. Click HERE for additional instruction