Genomic Selection in Livestock, July 9-13, Sheraton Phoenix.
Course instructors: Dorian Garrick, Rohan Fernando, and Jack Dekkers (Iowa State University). The purpose of the course is to provide graduate students and professionals in animal breeding and genetics with the basic theory and practical application of using whole genome SNP data for genetic evaluation and genome-wide
association studies, using mixed linear and Bayesian methods.
This course contributes to a graduate-level distance delivery curriculum in animal breeding and genetics, which is being developed with funding from the USDA-NIFA Higher Education Challenge Grants Program. Over the next three years, a consortium of seven universities (Virginia Tech, Colorado State, Iowa State, North Carolina State, and Kansas State Universities, and Universities of Nebraska-Lincoln and Georgia) will be engaged in the design and delivery of a series of asynchronous online courses, and several summer short-courses, focused on the integration of quantitative and molecular aspects of genetics. For information about the curriculum, contact Ron Lewis (rmlewis@vt.edu).