American Society of Animal Science
2005 Joint Annual Meeting
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Session Table of Contents
Ajuwon, K.:
  Novel Technologies in Muscle Biology/Fresh Meat Research -- Adipocytes, myofibers, and cytokine biology: New horizons in the regulation of growth and body composition
Allen, M. S.:
  Alpharma Symposium: Animal Health: Acidosis in Dairy Cattle -- Regulation of ruminal pH: interaction of dietary and animal factors
Anderson, R.:
  The Future of Food Safety: An Issue of National Importance -- Pathogen control in the field. What can we do to reduce pathogens entering the abattoir?
Annen, E. L.:
  Current Topics in Dairy Management: Transition Cows -- Effects of modified dry periods on milk yield, milk composition and mammary development in dairy cows
Armstrong, A.:
  Scholarship of Teaching as Related to Promotion and Tenure, Symposium -- Promotion and tenure on the basis of excellence in teaching: An institutional perspective
Armstrong, D.:
  Cow Comfort on Commercial Dairy Operations -- Maximizing cow comfort on dry lot dairies
Armstrong, D. V.:
  Cow Comfort on Commercial Dairy Operations -- Practical methods for reducing heat stress on dairy operations
Barbano, D. M.:
  Extended Shelf Life of Fluid Milk Symposium -- Influence of raw milk quality on fluid milk shelf life
  Extended Shelf Life of Fluid Milk Symposium -- Use of microfiltration (MF) to improve fluid milk quality
Barrio, J.:
  Vertical Coordination in the Beef Industry: Implications for Animal, Information, and Enterprise Management -- Implications of Beef System Vertical Coordination: a Latin American Perspective
Bateman, H. G.:
  Ruminant Nutrition - Symposium - Exploring the Boundaries of Efficiency in Lactation: Metabolic Relationships in Supply of Nutrients in Lactating Cows -- Metabolic models of ruminant metabolism: Recent improvements and current status
Baumgard, L.:
  Current Topics in Dairy Management: Transition Cows -- Impact of increased milking frequency during early lactation
Bequette, B.:
  Ruminant Nutrition - Symposium - Exploring the Boundaries of Efficiency in Lactation: Metabolic Relationships in Supply of Nutrients in Lactating Cows -- Regulation of key metabolic processes in lactation
  Ruminant Nutrition - Symposium - Exploring the Boundaries of Efficiency in Lactation: Metabolic Relationships in Supply of Nutrients in Lactating Cows -- Nutrient supply for milk production by splanchnic tissues in dairy cows
Bequette, B. J.:
  Stable Isotope Tracer Techniques for Nonruminant Nutrition Research and Their Practical Applications (Symposium) -- Mass isotopomer distribution analysis (MIDA) for studying intermediary nutrient metabolism
Berger, L.L.:
  Vertical Coordination in the Beef Industry: Implications for Animal, Information, and Enterprise Management -- Creating systems to produce high quality beef
Bishop, S.:
  Management of Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Sheep -- Use of QTL to determine parasite resistance in sheep
Blasi, D. A.:
  Vertical Coordination in the Beef Industry: Implications for Animal, Information, and Enterprise Management -- Implications of beef system vertical coordination on animal identification and data handling
Boor, K.:
  Extended Shelf Life of Fluid Milk Symposium -- Current status of commercial fluid milk quality
Brouk, M. J.:
  Cow Comfort on Commercial Dairy Operations -- Practical methods for reducing heat stress on dairy operations
Brown, M. S.:
  Challenging the Limits of Caloric Intake in Feedlot Cattle -- Ruminal dynamics during adaptation of beef cattle to high-concentrate diets
Burke, J. M.:
  Management of Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Sheep -- Introduction
Burrin, D.:
  Stable Isotope Tracer Techniques for Nonruminant Nutrition Research and Their Practical Applications (Symposium) -- Measuring splanchnic amino acid metabolism by using stable isotope tracers
Cady, R.:
  Impact of Culling Rate on Dairy Profitability -- The impact of timing of the culling event on profitability in dairy herds
Callaway, T.:
  The Future of Food Safety: An Issue of National Importance -- Pathogen control in the field. What can we do to reduce pathogens entering the abattoir?
Calloway, T.:
  The Future of Food Safety: An Issue of National Importance -- Introduction
Carey, N.:
  Extended Shelf Life of Fluid Milk Symposium -- Current status of commercial fluid milk quality
Cartwright, G.:
  Extended Shelf Life of Fluid Milk Symposium -- Extending refrigerated shelf life of fluid milk using a novel HTST system
Chew, B.:
  New Advances in Pet Health, Nutrition and Reproductive Management -- Research advances in carotenoid nutrition and immunology of dogs and cats
Chiba, L. I.:
  Stable Isotope Tracer Techniques for Nonruminant Nutrition Research and Their Practical Applications (Symposium) -- Measuring nitrogen-containing polymer synthesis rates by using stable isotope tracers
Clare, D.:
  Extended Shelf Life of Fluid Milk Symposium -- Application of microwave processing to extend shelf life of fluid milk
Cockett, N.:
  Management of Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Sheep -- Use of QTL to determine parasite resistance in sheep
Collier, R.:
  Current Topics in Dairy Management: Transition Cows -- Impact of increased milking frequency during early lactation
Collier, R. J.:
  Current Topics in Dairy Management: Transition Cows -- Effects of modified dry periods on milk yield, milk composition and mammary development in dairy cows
Connor, L.:
  Scholarship of Teaching as Related to Promotion and Tenure, Symposium -- Promotion and tenure on the basis of excellence in teaching: An institutional perspective
Coronel, P.:
  Extended Shelf Life of Fluid Milk Symposium -- Application of microwave processing to extend shelf life of fluid milk
Cranston, J.:
  Challenging the Limits of Caloric Intake in Feedlot Cattle -- An upper limit for caloric density of finishing diets
Cummins, K.:
  Ruminant Nutrition - Symposium - Exploring the Boundaries of Efficiency in Lactation: Metabolic Relationships in Supply of Nutrients in Lactating Cows -- Metabolic relationships in supply of nutrients in lactating cows
Dahl, G. E.:
  Current Topics in Dairy Management: Transition Cows -- Photoperiodic effects on the transition dairy cow
Davies, G.:
  Management of Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Sheep -- Use of QTL to determine parasite resistance in sheep
Davis, J.:
  Novel Technologies in Muscle Biology/Fresh Meat Research -- Adipocytes, myofibers, and cytokine biology: New horizons in the regulation of growth and body composition
Donkin, S.:
  Ruminant Nutrition - Symposium - Exploring the Boundaries of Efficiency in Lactation: Metabolic Relationships in Supply of Nutrients in Lactating Cows -- Regulation of key metabolic processes in lactation
Doyle, M. P.:
  The Future of Food Safety: An Issue of National Importance -- Foodborne illness and antibiotic resistance: Types, sources and extent of problem
Drake, M. A.:
  Extended Shelf Life of Fluid Milk Symposium -- Extending refrigerated shelf life of fluid milk using a novel HTST system
Edrington, T.:
  The Future of Food Safety: An Issue of National Importance -- Pathogen control in the field. What can we do to reduce pathogens entering the abattoir?
Elwell, M. W.:
  Extended Shelf Life of Fluid Milk Symposium -- Use of microfiltration (MF) to improve fluid milk quality
Eng, S.:
  Management of Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Sheep -- Use of QTL to determine parasite resistance in sheep
Fadel, J. G.:
  Ruminant Nutrition - Symposium - Exploring the Boundaries of Efficiency in Lactation: Metabolic Relationships in Supply of Nutrients in Lactating Cows -- Metabolic models of ruminant metabolism: Recent improvements and current status
Fan, M. Z.:
  Stable Isotope Tracer Techniques for Nonruminant Nutrition Research and Their Practical Applications (Symposium) -- Measuring nitrogen-containing polymer synthesis rates by using stable isotope tracers
Fan, Ming Z.:
  Stable Isotope Tracer Techniques for Nonruminant Nutrition Research and Their Practical Applications (Symposium) -- Introduction
Faulkner, D. B.:
  Vertical Coordination in the Beef Industry: Implications for Animal, Information, and Enterprise Management -- Creating systems to produce high quality beef
Fetrow, J.:
  Impact of Culling Rate on Dairy Profitability -- Culling: nomenclature, definitions and some observations
Firkins, J. L.:
  Ruminant Nutrition - Symposium - Exploring the Boundaries of Efficiency in Lactation: Metabolic Relationships in Supply of Nutrients in Lactating Cows -- Integration of ruminal metabolism in dairy cattle
Gabler, N.:
  Novel Technologies in Muscle Biology/Fresh Meat Research -- Adipocytes, myofibers, and cytokine biology: New horizons in the regulation of growth and body composition
Genovese, K.:
  The Future of Food Safety: An Issue of National Importance -- Pathogen control in the field. What can we do to reduce pathogens entering the abattoir?
Grant, R.:
  Cow Comfort on Commercial Dairy Operations -- Factors influencing time budgets of dairy cattle
Hadfield, T.:
  Management of Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Sheep -- Use of QTL to determine parasite resistance in sheep
Hall, M. B.:
  Alpharma Symposium: Animal Health: Acidosis in Dairy Cattle -- Ruminal acidosis: beyond the rumen
  Ruminant Nutrition - Symposium - Exploring the Boundaries of Efficiency in Lactation: Metabolic Relationships in Supply of Nutrients in Lactating Cows -- Integration of ruminal metabolism in dairy cattle
Hanigan, M. D.:
  Ruminant Nutrition - Symposium - Exploring the Boundaries of Efficiency in Lactation: Metabolic Relationships in Supply of Nutrients in Lactating Cows -- Metabolic models of ruminant metabolism: Recent improvements and current status
Hare, E.:
  Impact of Culling Rate on Dairy Profitability -- Historical examination of culling of dairy cows from herds in the United States
Harmon, D.:
  Challenging the Limits of Caloric Intake in Feedlot Cattle -- Sites, rates, and limits of starch digestion and glucose metabolism in growing cattle
Harner, J. P.:
  Cow Comfort on Commercial Dairy Operations -- Practical methods for reducing heat stress on dairy operations
Hirakawa, Dr. Diane:
  New Advances in Pet Health, Nutrition and Reproductive Management -- Introduction
Horohov, D.:
  Management of Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Sheep -- Immunological aspects of nematode parasite control
Hristov, A. N.:
  Ruminant Nutrition - Symposium - Exploring the Boundaries of Efficiency in Lactation: Metabolic Relationships in Supply of Nutrients in Lactating Cows -- Integration of ruminal metabolism in dairy cattle
Huff-Lonergan, Elisabeth:
  Novel Technologies in Muscle Biology/Fresh Meat Research -- Introduction
Huffman, R.:
  The Future of Food Safety: An Issue of National Importance -- The economics of pathogen control in the meat industry: Who is going to foot the bill?
Huntington, G.:
  Challenging the Limits of Caloric Intake in Feedlot Cattle -- Sites, rates, and limits of starch digestion and glucose metabolism in growing cattle
Hutchison, R.:
  New Advances in Pet Health, Nutrition and Reproductive Management -- Maximizing conception rates using fresh cooled or frozen canine semen
Iversen, H:
  Extended Shelf Life of Fluid Milk Symposium -- Dairy applications for microfiltration
Jacobi, S.:
  Novel Technologies in Muscle Biology/Fresh Meat Research -- Adipocytes, myofibers, and cytokine biology: New horizons in the regulation of growth and body composition
Jordan, Ellen:
  Impact of Culling Rate on Dairy Profitability -- Introduction
Kaplan, R.:
  Management of Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Sheep -- Epidemiology of sheep gastrointestinal nematodes in the U.S
Kelley, R.:
  New Advances in Pet Health, Nutrition and Reproductive Management -- Improving puppy trainability through nutrition
Knapp, J.:
  Ruminant Nutrition - Symposium - Exploring the Boundaries of Efficiency in Lactation: Metabolic Relationships in Supply of Nutrients in Lactating Cows -- Regulation of key metabolic processes in lactation
  Ruminant Nutrition - Symposium - Exploring the Boundaries of Efficiency in Lactation: Metabolic Relationships in Supply of Nutrients in Lactating Cows -- Nutrient supply for milk production by splanchnic tissues in dairy cows
Krehbiel, C.:
  Challenging the Limits of Caloric Intake in Feedlot Cattle -- An upper limit for caloric density of finishing diets
Lametsch, R.:
  Novel Technologies in Muscle Biology/Fresh Meat Research
Larsen, M.:
  Management of Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Sheep -- Biological control of nematode parasites in sheep
Ledwith, D.:
  Current Topics in Dairy Management: Transition Cows -- Impact of increased milking frequency during early lactation
Ma, Y.:
  Extended Shelf Life of Fluid Milk Symposium -- Influence of raw milk quality on fluid milk shelf life
Matzat, P. D.:
  Stable Isotope Tracer Techniques for Nonruminant Nutrition Research and Their Practical Applications (Symposium) -- Measuring nitrogen-containing polymer synthesis rates by using stable isotope tracers
McCurdy, M.:
  Challenging the Limits of Caloric Intake in Feedlot Cattle -- An upper limit for caloric density of finishing diets
McFadden, T. B.:
  Current Topics in Dairy Management: Transition Cows -- Manipulating the transition udder: Where dairy management meets mammary gland biology
McNamara, J. P.:
  Ruminant Nutrition - Symposium - Exploring the Boundaries of Efficiency in Lactation: Metabolic Relationships in Supply of Nutrients in Lactating Cows -- Metabolic models of ruminant metabolism: Recent improvements and current status
Mies, W. L.:
  Vertical Coordination in the Beef Industry: Implications for Animal, Information, and Enterprise Management -- Managing a beef production unit as part of a vertically coordinated supply chain
Miller, J.:
  Management of Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Sheep -- Immunological aspects of nematode parasite control
  Management of Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Sheep -- Use of QTL to determine parasite resistance in sheep
Milton, T.:
  Challenging the Limits of Caloric Intake in Feedlot Cattle -- Overview of various methods used commercially to adapt cattle to finishing diets
Moody, D.:
  Novel Technologies in Muscle Biology/Fresh Meat Research -- Gene expression profiling: Insights into skeletal muscle growth and development.
Moore, J.:
  Scholarship of Teaching as Related to Promotion and Tenure, Symposium -- Promotion and tenure on the basis of excellence in teaching: A faculty perspective
Murano, E.:
  The Future of Food Safety: An Issue of National Importance -- Food Safety as a Critical National Issue
Murphy, E.:
  Stable Isotope Tracer Techniques for Nonruminant Nutrition Research and Their Practical Applications (Symposium) -- Factors affecting in vivo fatty acid and triglyceride synthesis rates measured by stable isotope tracers
Murphy, S.:
  Extended Shelf Life of Fluid Milk Symposium -- Current status of commercial fluid milk quality
Nisbet, D.:
  The Future of Food Safety: An Issue of National Importance -- Pathogen control in the field. What can we do to reduce pathogens entering the abattoir?
Nocek, J.:
  Impact of Culling Rate on Dairy Profitability -- Culling from a dairyman’s perspective: a function of goals and management
Nordlund, K.:
  Impact of Culling Rate on Dairy Profitability -- Culling: nomenclature, definitions and some observations
Norman, D.:
  Impact of Culling Rate on Dairy Profitability -- Culling: nomenclature, definitions and some observations
Norman, H. D.:
  Impact of Culling Rate on Dairy Profitability -- Historical examination of culling of dairy cows from herds in the United States
Oetzel, G. R.:
  Alpharma Symposium: Animal Health: Acidosis in Dairy Cattle -- Applied aspects of ruminal acidosis induction and prevention
Park, J. S.:
  New Advances in Pet Health, Nutrition and Reproductive Management -- Research advances in carotenoid nutrition and immunology of dogs and cats
Ragan, V. A.:
  Vertical Coordination in the Beef Industry: Implications for Animal, Information, and Enterprise Management -- National Animal Identification: An update
Reecy, J.:
  Novel Technologies in Muscle Biology/Fresh Meat Research -- Gene expression profiling: Insights into skeletal muscle growth and development.
Reid, E. D.:
  Current Topics in Dairy Management: Transition Cows -- Photoperiodic effects on the transition dairy cow
Reynolds, C.:
  Ruminant Nutrition - Symposium - Exploring the Boundaries of Efficiency in Lactation: Metabolic Relationships in Supply of Nutrients in Lactating Cows -- Nutrient supply for milk production by splanchnic tissues in dairy cows
Reynolds, J.:
  Cow Comfort on Commercial Dairy Operations -- Animal welfare audits on dairy operations
Richards, C.:
  Challenging the Limits of Caloric Intake in Feedlot Cattle -- Sites, rates, and limits of starch digestion and glucose metabolism in growing cattle
Rollin, B.:
  The Future of Food Safety: An Issue of National Importance -- Ethical issues surrounding food-borne illness: Who is responsible?
Santos, M. V.:
  Extended Shelf Life of Fluid Milk Symposium -- Influence of raw milk quality on fluid milk shelf life
Schlegel, W. M.:
  Scholarship of Teaching as Related to Promotion and Tenure, Symposium -- The scholarship of teaching and learning: The synergy of scholar and teacher
Simunovic, J.:
  Extended Shelf Life of Fluid Milk Symposium -- Application of microwave processing to extend shelf life of fluid milk
Sipiorski, G.:
  Impact of Culling Rate on Dairy Profitability -- A bankers view on culling
Skidmore, A.:
  Impact of Culling Rate on Dairy Profitability -- The effect of animal removal on herd internal growth rate
Smith, J.:
  Cow Comfort on Commercial Dairy Operations -- Maximizing cow comfort on dry lot dairies
Smith, J. F.:
  Cow Comfort on Commercial Dairy Operations -- Practical methods for reducing heat stress on dairy operations
Sofos, J.:
  The Future of Food Safety: An Issue of National Importance -- Pathogen control during processing: What we can do to reduce pathogens in the processing plant?
Spencer, M.:
  Novel Technologies in Muscle Biology/Fresh Meat Research -- Use of transgenic mouse models to understand proteolytic degradation systems in muscle
Spurlock, M.:
  Novel Technologies in Muscle Biology/Fresh Meat Research -- Adipocytes, myofibers, and cytokine biology: New horizons in the regulation of growth and body composition
Stahl, C.:
  Novel Technologies in Muscle Biology/Fresh Meat Research -- Gene expression profiling: Insights into skeletal muscle growth and development.
Stoll, B.:
  Stable Isotope Tracer Techniques for Nonruminant Nutrition Research and Their Practical Applications (Symposium) -- Measuring splanchnic amino acid metabolism by using stable isotope tracers
Terrill, T.:
  Management of Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Sheep -- The effects of forages/plants on Haemonchus contortus infection
Thompson, J.:
  Current Topics in Dairy Management: Transition Cows -- Impact of increased milking frequency during early lactation
Turnlund, J. R.:
  Stable Isotope Tracer Techniques for Nonruminant Nutrition Research and Their Practical Applications (Symposium) -- Mineral bioavailability and metabolism determined using stable isotope tracers
Tyrrell, H.:
  Ruminant Nutrition - Symposium - Exploring the Boundaries of Efficiency in Lactation: Metabolic Relationships in Supply of Nutrients in Lactating Cows -- Metabolic relationships in supply of nutrients in lactating cows
VanBaale, M.:
  Cow Comfort on Commercial Dairy Operations -- Maximizing cow comfort on dry lot dairies
  Current Topics in Dairy Management: Transition Cows -- Impact of increased milking frequency during early lactation
VanBaale, M. J.:
  Cow Comfort on Commercial Dairy Operations -- Practical methods for reducing heat stress on dairy operations
VandeHaar, M.:
  Ruminant Nutrition - Symposium - Exploring the Boundaries of Efficiency in Lactation: Metabolic Relationships in Supply of Nutrients in Lactating Cows -- Regulation of key metabolic processes in lactation
Varga, G. A.:
  Ruminant Nutrition - Symposium - Exploring the Boundaries of Efficiency in Lactation: Metabolic Relationships in Supply of Nutrients in Lactating Cows -- Integration of ruminal metabolism in dairy cattle
Waters, D.:
  New Advances in Pet Health, Nutrition and Reproductive Management -- Critical issues in aging and cancer: Implications for effective cancer prevention
Wattiaux, M.:
  Scholarship of Teaching as Related to Promotion and Tenure, Symposium -- Promotion and tenure on the basis of excellence in teaching: A faculty perspective
Wattiaux, Michael A.:
  Scholarship of Teaching as Related to Promotion and Tenure, Symposium -- Introduction
Weary, D.:
  Cow Comfort on Commercial Dairy Operations -- Maximizing cow comfort in free-stall facilities
Weigel, K.:
  Impact of Culling Rate on Dairy Profitability -- Genetics of longevity and productive life
Yin, Y. L.:
  Stable Isotope Tracer Techniques for Nonruminant Nutrition Research and Their Practical Applications (Symposium) -- Measuring nitrogen-containing polymer synthesis rates by using stable isotope tracers
Zadoks, R.:
  Extended Shelf Life of Fluid Milk Symposium -- Current status of commercial fluid milk quality
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