The presentation I have selected is not playing. What is wrong?
First, check to see if you have Macromedia Flash Player 8 Player installed on you computer. If you do not, refer to the Installing Flash Player section below. If you do have Flash installed, make certain to click on the play button in the player to start the presentation again. If you still do not hear any audio, system resources may be running low, causing the browser to leak memory. To rectify this problem, stop the presentation and restart. If this does not cure the problem, stop the presentation, close the window, and re-launch the presentation or restart you computer. If you need further assistance, please contact our support center at
How do I disable my pop my pop-up blocker?
Pop-up blockers can keep you from accessing content. Within your web browser, look under the "Tools" menu for "Internet options" or "Preferences" to change your pop-up blocker settings. You can find these settings under such tabs as "Privacy" or "Content." Here, you should be able to add a web site’s URL to a safe list of sites where you wish to allow pop-up content. Also, you may simply choose to disable your pop-up blocker in its entirety. If you continue to have problems, you may have one or more pop-up blockers running at once. While they often run natively in your web browser, they are also featured in Yahoo and Google toolbars. Be sure to disable them from these locations as well.
Can I download or print the speaker materials?
At this time speaker materials are not available for download, but they may be printed. They can be saved after opening the PDF and using File>Save As... or by using the Save on the Acrobat Plug-in.